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Introduction to health policy and systems research

7 lessons
1 quiz
224 students

Learning objectives

Upon completing this course, learners should be able to:

  1. Describe what health policy and systems research (HPSR) is;
  2. Understand why HPSR matters: its relevance and need across different contexts;
  3. Understand the challenges of HPSR in the Sustainable Development Goals era; and
  4. Analyse HPSR methods and approaches.
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Alliance for HPSR

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (the Alliance) promotes the generation and use of health policy and systems research as a means to strengthen the health systems of LMICs. We are an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organization.
This course has five lessons. We expect that this short course can be completed in one sitting and should take up to one hour.
This course is assessed with a single knowledge check at the end of the course comprising six questions. A passing score of 80% is required to receive a certificate and the check can be taken up to three times.
This course was developed for the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research under the stewardship of Dr Aku Kwamie and Mr Jeffrey Knezovich by Empower.
This course is free and open to anyone to access and complete.


  • Overview of key concepts in HPSR pulled from a range of essential reading
  • Additional reading suggestions
  • Knowledge check quiz
  • Certificate of completion

Target audiences

  • Individuals interested in understanding the basics of HPSR
  • Staff at ministries of health
  • Staff at other organizations partnering with implementers
  • Students (graduate and undergraduate)
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